Saturday, March 12, 2005
Dear Diary,I realised my mistakes and will change for the better. I promise. My assignment is going to end by the end of this month. wondering if i should renew my contract...dun think so. I wanna have more time for my dar, family, friends and myself. Do the things that I like before i start schooling...
4:28 AM
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
I have finally come to my destination and looking for another way out to another place which can bring me to another dimension. My prince has come into my life which has caused my life to change entirely. My work has exposed me to many things and taught me to be practical. There is another important decision for me to make and that decides my fate. Do it the way u want it gal- no one gonna stops u! decide ur fate and blame no one. life's like that!! Out of a sudden, i thought about my future, as in my other part, my prince kel, i wanna share my life with him. Hope everything goes smoothly as i expect. Failures are nothing! if there are no failure, we won't get to learn! I pick myself up and these r not going to upset me easily. I won't give up easily. tears welled up in my eyes, rolled down my cheeks but after that, i'm fine again. why? u know why? i am Violet I am Violet... i will do it....and that's it.
1:18 AM